<% dim aqn, rndaq, rsq aqn = 0 rndaq = 0 set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql = "select [question] from [" & dbmunber & "aqcode]" rs.cursorlocation = 3 rs.open sql, conn, 1, 1 aqn = rs.recordcount if rs.recordcount > 0 then randomize rndaq = int(rs.recordcount * rnd()) rs.move rndaq rsq = rs(0) end if rs.close set rs = nothing dim webparameters, t act = saferequest(request("act"), 0) t = saferequest(request("t"), 0) set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql = "select [parameters] from [" & dbmunber & "config]" rs.cursorlocation = 3 rs.open sql, conn, 1, 1 webparameters = split(rs(0), ",") rs.close set rs = nothing if act = "reg" then dim username, password, password1, xingming, xingbie, shengfen, dizhi, dianhua, xinxiang, qq, tjr, dyzm, dquestion username = saferequest(request.form("username"), 0) password = saferequest(request.form("password"), 0) password1 = saferequest(request.form("password1"), 0) xingming = saferequest(request.form("xingming"), 0) xingbie = saferequest(request.form("xingbie"), 0) shengfen = saferequest(request.form("shengfen"), 0) dizhi = saferequest(request.form("dizhi"), 0) dianhua = saferequest(request.form("dianhua"), 0) xinxiang = saferequest(request.form("xinxiang"), 0) dyzm = saferequest(request.form("yzm"), 0) dquestion = saferequest(request.form("question"), 0) qq = saferequest(request.form("qq"), 1) tjr = saferequest(request.form("tjr"), 0) if len(username) < 3 or len(username) > 20 then call msgbox("登录帐号长度为3-20位!", "reg.asp") if checkstring(username, "([%]|[?]|[=]|[/]|[\\]|[*]|[ ]|[+]|[<]|[>]|[{]|[}]|[&]|[']$)") = true then call msgbox("登录帐号中不允许使用非法字符。", "reg.asp") if len(password) < 1 then call msgbox("请填写登录密码!", "reg.asp") if password <> password1 then call msgbox("两次输入的密码不一致,请重新输入。", "-1") if len(xingming) < 1 then call msgbox("请填写真实姓名!", "reg.asp") if len(xingbie) < 1 then call msgbox("请选择性别!", "reg.asp") if len(shengfen) < 1 then call msgbox("请选择所在省份!", "reg.asp") if len(dianhua) < 1 then call msgbox("请添写联系电话!", "reg.asp") if dianhua <> "" then if checkstring(dianhua, "(^[0-9]{3,4}\-[0-9]{7,8}$)|(^[0-9]{3,4}[0-9]{7,8}$)|(^[1-9]{1,1}[0-9]{6,7}$)") = false and checkstring(dianhua, "(^(13|15|18)[0-9]{9}$)") = false then call msgbox("电话的格式不正确。", "reg.asp") if (left(dianhua, 5) = "12590" or left(dianhua, 3) = "168") then call msgbox("不允许使用特别服务号码。", "-1") end if if xinxiang <> "" and checkstring(xinxiang, "^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])+((\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,6}){1,2})$") = false then call msgbox("电子信箱格式不正确。", "reg.asp") if qq <> "" and checkstring(qq, "(^[1-9]{1,1}[0-9]{4,9}$)") = false then call msgbox("腾讯QQ的格式不正确。", "-1") if qq <> "" and qq = "10000" then call msgbox("不允许使用系统服务号码。", "reg.asp") if aqn > 0 then if dquestion = "" or dyzm = "" then call msgbox("非法的提交操作。", "index.asp") set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql = "select [answer] from [" & dbmunber & "aqcode] where [question] = '" & dquestion & "'" rs.cursorlocation = 3 rs.open sql, conn, 1, 1 if rs.recordcount = 0 then call msgbox("非法的提交操作。", "index.asp") if md5(dyzm) <> md5(rs(0)) then call msgbox("验证答案输入不正确。", "-1") end if set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql = "select [username], [password], [name], [sex], [province], [address], [tel], [email], [qq], [time], [ip], [lock], [type], [lv], [pay], [loginnumber], [exp], [logintime], [loginip], [tjren] from [" & dbmunber & "member] where [username] = '" & username & "'" rs.cursorlocation = 3 rs.open sql, conn, 1, 3 if rs.recordcount = 0 then rs.addnew rs(0) = username rs(1) = md5(password) rs(2) = xingming rs(3) = xingbie rs(4) = shengfen rs(5) = dizhi rs(6) = dianhua rs(7) = xinxiang rs(8) = qq rs(9) = now() rs(10) = myip if webparameters(0) = 1 then rs(11) = true else rs(11) = false end if rs(12) = "普通用户" rs(13) = 0 rs(14) = 0 rs(15) = 0 rs(16) = 0 rs(17) = now() rs(18) = myip rs(19) = tjr rs.update if xinxiang <> "" then dim temp_t, temp_b temp_t = "用户注册信息" temp_b = "尊敬的用户:恭喜您!注册成功!
登录帐号:" & username & "
登录密码:" & password & "

" & ename & "免费发布各类供求信息!
网址:" & eurl & "
电话:" & eservicetel & "
QQ:" & eserviceqq & " (点击交谈)

" call smtpmail(xinxiang, temp_t, temp_b) end if call msgbox("恭喜,注册成功!", "userlogin.asp") else call msgbox("提示\n此帐号已被注册,请换别的吧!", "reg.asp") end if rs.close set rs = nothing end if %> 用户注册 - <%= ename & " " & etitle %>
<% if webparameters(2) = 1 then %> <% end if %> <% if aqn > 0 then %> <% end if %>
登录帐号:   (必填) 



登录密码:   (必填)


确认密码:   (必填)


真实姓名:   (必填) 男 


联系电话:   (必填)


电子信箱:   (建议填写,如果没有可不填写)


联系QQ:   (建议填写,如果没有可不填写)
 请回答:<%= rsq %>